Jarvan IV Champion Guide: S15 Jungle Build and Strategy
Dragon Strike sends Jarvan IV into combat, where he deals physical damage and reduces enemy armor. When combined with Demacian Standard, he dashes to his banner and knocks up enemies in his path.
Golden Aegis creates a shield that strengthens based on the number of enemy champions nearby. It also slows surrounding enemies.
Demacian Standard deploys a flag that grants attack speed to nearby allies. The flag remains for 8 seconds and provides vision.
Cataclysm lets Jarvan IV leap to an enemy champion, dealing physical damage and creating impassable terrain around them for 3.5 seconds.
Best runes for Jarvan IV include Conqueror for extended fights and Inspiration secondary for utility.
Key itemization:
- Start: Emberknife, Refillable Potion
- Core: Goredrinker, Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage
- Situational: Dead Man's Plate, Force of Nature, Guardian Angel
Gameplay tips:
- Use E-Q combo for ganking and mobility
- Save W shield for diving or escaping
- R can isolate carries or zone enemies in teamfights
- Flash during E-Q extends knockup range
- Max Q > E > W, taking R whenever possible
Strong early game jungler who excels at:
- Powerful level 2-3 ganks
- Flexible build paths between damage and tank
- Team utility through knockups and terrain
- Forcing objectives with attack speed buff
- Initiating teamfights with combo potential
Clear path: Red > Blue > Gromp for early ganks or full clear if needed. Look for lane ganks using E-Q combo followed by ultimate when appropriate.
Team role focuses on initiating fights, locking down priority targets, and providing utility through attack speed buff and armor shred.
Counter play involves avoiding E-Q combo range and saving mobility spells to escape ultimate arena.
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