Janna Counter Picks & Counter Strategies
Effectively Countering Janna in League of Legends

Janna Counter Play
Strong Counter Picks:
- Poppy
- Renata Glasc
- Swain
- Zyra
- Blitzcrank
Laning Phase Strategy:
- Watch for Janna's W and auto-attack poke patterns
- Trade aggressively when her E shield is on cooldown
- As melee champions, maintain proper positioning aligned with your ADC to avoid harassment
- Focus on all-in engagements rather than short trades
Mid to Late Game Tactics:
- Capitalize on Janna's solo warding attempts by setting up ambushes
- Counter her disengage abilities (Q and R) by flanking during team fights
- Build Executioner's Calling to reduce her healing and shielding effectiveness when she's ahead
Key Power Spike Windows:
- Early game: Multiple points in W make her trades stronger
- Mid game: Ardent Censer completion increases lane presence
- Late game: W availability dictates her utility and team fight impact
Tips for Melee Champions:
- Minimize exposure while collecting ward quest stacks
- Stay out of her auto-attack range when engagement isn't possible
- Look for opportunities to engage when her W is on cooldown
Combat Strategy:
- Focus on full engagements rather than short trades
- Take advantage of her cooldown windows
- Position strategically to avoid predictable engage patterns
- Maintain aggressive pressure when her key abilities are unavailable
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