Heroes of Hammerwatch 2: How to Use Pyres to Remove Shadow Curse Stacks
Pyres in Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 serve as cleansing stations for the Shadow Curse debuff. They are primarily found in the Courts levels, becoming accessible after defeating the Harbingers of Dread beyond the Barracks area.

Heroes of Hammerwatch burning dungeon interior
When you interact with a Pyre while affected by Shadow Curse, it will:
- Remove half of your current Shadow Curse stacks
- Always remove at least 8 stacks (even if half would be less)
- Only activate when you have Shadow Curse stacks
- Light up when you approach with the curse

Heroes of Hammerwatch 2 dungeon scene
Understanding Shadow Curse:
- Obtained from dark clouds in certain levels
- Each stack reduces armor and resistance by 4 points
- Affects screen visibility (darker corners and overall view)
- Can benefit certain items that scale with curse stacks
- Visible above your Health bar
Strategic Considerations:
- Consider your build before cleansing all stacks
- Some items perform better with Shadow Curse stacks
- Balance between item benefits and armor/resistance loss
- Monitor visibility impact as stacks accumulate
- Use Pyres when debuff disadvantages outweigh benefits
[Remaining images kept but not relevant to core content about Pyres]
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