Galio Support Guide: Master The Colossus in Bot Lane
A tanky support champion known for countering assassins and melee fighters, Galio excels at providing crowd control and team protection. His kit makes him particularly effective against champions that dive into your team but lack durability.
Core Abilities Priority
- Shield of Durand (W)
- Justice Punch (E)
- Winds of War (Q)
- Hero's Entrance (R)
Key Strengths
- Strong crowd control through taunt and knock-up
- Natural tankiness with magic damage shield
- Global presence with ultimate
- Excellent team fight initiation

Person wearing gaming headset
Ability Breakdown
- Shield of Durand (W): Primary engage tool that taunts enemies and provides magic damage shield
- Justice Punch (E): Single or multi-target knock-up for engage or peel
- Winds of War (Q): Damage ability for trading and wave management
- Hero's Entrance (R): Global ultimate providing team shields and engage potential
Optimal Build Path Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Evenshroud
- Zeke's Convergence
- Knight's Vow
Situational Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari (vs burst damage)
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD/healing)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
Playstyle Tips
- Use W-E combo for reliable engage
- Coordinate ultimate with diving allies
- Position to protect carries from assassins
- Look for roaming opportunities post-6
- Utilize passive for extra damage in trades
This tank support excels at protecting allies while providing strong engage potential. Focus on building items that enhance team survivability while maintaining sufficient tankiness to fulfill your frontline role.
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