Enshrouded Dedicated Server Guide: Setup and Requirements Explained

Misty castle in fantasy wilderness
Setting up a dedicated Enshrouded server allows you to play with friends even when the host is offline. Here's how to do it:
Renting a Dedicated Server
- Use GPortal (official partner) or other third-party hosting services
- Choose server slots (4-16 players) and region
- Select preset configuration or customize your own
- Search for your server by name or IPv4 address in-game
Self-Hosting a Dedicated Server
- Download Enshrouded Dedicated Server from Steam Tools
- Run enshrouded_server.exe directly (not through Steam)
- Configure enshrouded_server.json with:
- Server name
- Save directory
- IPv4 address
- Query port (default: 15637)
- Player slot count (1-16)

Steam tools menu dropdown view

Config file settings for Enshrouded server
Joining a Dedicated Server
- Select character and click Play
- Choose Join option
- Search by server name or IPv4 address
- Enter password if required
- Favorite servers using the Star button

Enshrouded server browser menu screen
System Requirements
For 4-6 Players:
- CPU: Intel i7 (3.2 GHz) or AMD equivalent / 6 Cores
- RAM: 16GB
- Storage: 30GB SSD
- Internet: 2mbit/sec upload per player
For 16 Players:
- CPU: Intel i7 (3.7 GHz) or AMD equivalent / 8 Cores
- RAM: 16GB
- Storage: 30GB SSD
- Internet: 2mbit/sec upload per player
[Remaining images maintained as per original article]
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