Destiny 2's The Nether: A Fun Roguelite Challenge Despite Limited Healing Options

Destiny 2's The Nether: A Fun Roguelite Challenge Despite Limited Healing Options

By Marcus Chen

February 12, 2025 at 10:39 AM

Destiny 2: Dark underground scene

Destiny 2: Dark underground scene

Destiny 2's latest roguelite activity, The Nether, introduces an exciting new challenge in the Dreadnaught patrol zones. Despite initial concerns about limited healing mechanics, the activity proves to be an engaging and rewarding experience.

The Nether features multiple rounds of random encounters with increasing difficulty. Players must adapt to a unique gameplay mechanic where health regeneration is disabled, and healing sources are limited. To survive, Guardians need to:

  • Find healing orbs in destructible pots
  • Collect beneficial Boons
  • Utilize 300 additional base health and 75 shields
  • Manage revive tokens carefully

Destiny 2 Nether Boons screenshot

Destiny 2 Nether Boons screenshot

The activity shines through its varied content:

  • Diverse room objectives
  • Time-sensitive side missions
  • Hidden treasure chests
  • Challenging boss encounters like the Tormentor fight

Even unsuccessful runs reward players with loot from completed rounds, secret chests, and the Tome of Want, encouraging multiple attempts and true roguelite gameplay. The community has positively received The Nether, with players on Reddit praising it as the "first Destiny activity that successfully feels like a roguelite/roguelike."

Current balance issues include:

  • Inconsistent healing effectiveness across different abilities
  • Titan's Knockout ability performing better than other healing options
  • Reduced effectiveness of Warlock's Recovery-based healing abilities

Bungie's Destiny2Team has acknowledged these concerns and plans to address healing-centric builds in future updates.

[Images continue as in original article...]

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