Destiny 2: Complete Guide to Solving the Sundered Doctrine's First Riddle Encounter

Destiny 2: Complete Guide to Solving the Sundered Doctrine's First Riddle Encounter

By Marcus Chen

February 16, 2025 at 06:32 PM

The Sundered Doctrine's first encounter in Destiny 2 challenges players to solve a riddle using mirrors and light mechanics. Here's a comprehensive guide to complete it:

Initial Setup:

  • Look for the wheel dial above the door showing three symbols: Pyramid Stop Guardian
  • When starting the encounter, the clock displays two glyphs with a third blank space
  • The area contains four rooms arranged in an X-shape, each with a panel showing Darkness glyphs



Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Find and defeat the Truthspeaker to reveal a glyph
  2. Locate the room with the matching glyph on its wall
  3. Connect the symbol to the central light source using mirrors
  4. Align mirrors properly using red notches as guides
  5. Complete the blank space on the display

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine encounter puzzle

Destiny 2 Sundered Doctrine encounter puzzle

Combat Tips:

  • Bring appropriate weapons for Subjugators
  • Use hidden passages between same-side rooms to avoid Husks
  • Focus fire on Tormentors if they appear after wrong solutions

Multiple Phases:

  • First phase: Complete one symbol
  • Second phase: Light up two symbols
  • Final phase: Activate three symbols using all light sources

The encounter ends when the wheel shows "Guardian Enter Pyramid." Complete all three phases to claim your rewards and proceed deeper into the Pyramid.

Note: Context clues can help predict correct symbols. For example, if "Guardian" pairs with "Worship," the next symbol likely relates to "Traveler" or "Light" based on lore.

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