Countering Pantheon Jungle: Complete Strategy Guide & Best Counter Picks
Pantheon Jungle Counter Guide
Pantheon excels as an early-game jungler with strong ganking potential and burst damage. Here's how to effectively counter him:
Early Game Strategy
- Avoid solo encounters with Pantheon early game
- Place deep vision in his jungle to track movements
- Ward river and jungle entrances to prevent successful ganks
- Be cautious of level 2-3 ganks, as this is when he's most dangerous
Post-Level 6 Counterplay
- Place deeper vision to spot his ultimate ganks
- Watch for Flash + W (Shield Vault) engages
- Ward side lanes to prevent flank attempts
- Coordinate with team when his ultimate is on cooldown
Strong Counters:
- Gwen (Can avoid his burst with W)
- Rek'Sai (Strong duelist who can track his movements)
- Volibear (Tanky with sustained damage)
- Darius (Outscales and wins extended fights)
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 3: First gank potential
- Level 6: Global pressure with ultimate
- Completed jungle item: Increased kill pressure
Team Fight Tips
- Don't position too far forward
- Track his ultimate cooldown
- Force objectives when he's split pushing
- Engage when his W (Shield Vault) is on cooldown
Late Game
- Pantheon falls off late game
- Focus on scaling and farm
- Group for objectives
- Coordinate with team to minimize his early impact
Best Times to Fight:
- When his ultimate is on cooldown
- During split push attempts
- After he uses key abilities
- When you have number advantage
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