Counter Guide: How to Play Against Janna in Support Role
Countering Janna - Key Strategies
Laning Phase
- Watch for Janna's W and auto-attack poke pattern
- Trade aggressively when her E (shield) is on cooldown
- As melee champions, maintain proper positioning with your ADC
- Avoid extended trades; focus on all-in engages

Counter Play
Mid to Late Game
- Punish solo warding attempts near objectives
- Use flanking maneuvers to bypass her disengage abilities
- Build Executioner's Calling to counter her healing/shielding
- Look for opportunities when her W is on cooldown
Power Spike Windows
- Early game: Exploit before W has multiple points
- Mid game: Force engages before Ardent Censer completion
- Late game: Coordinate team fights when her abilities are on cooldown
Strong Counters
- Sona
- Thresh
- Lulu
- Maokai
- Braum
- Taric
- Bard
- Nami
- Senna
Key Tips
- Focus on burst damage rather than sustained trades
- Coordinate ganks when her defensive abilities are down
- Position to minimize her poke damage while maintaining CS
- Use terrain to your advantage when engaging
- Track her item completions to anticipate power spikes
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