Cooldown Reduction in League of Legends: A Complete Guide
Cooldown Reduction (CDR) was a crucial statistic in League of Legends that reduced the cooldown time of champion abilities. It did not affect static cooldowns or on-target cooldowns unless specifically stated otherwise.
The basic formula for calculating cooldown reduction was: Base Cooldown × (1 − CDR ÷ 100)
CDR was capped at 40%, which could be increased to 45% with Cosmic Insight. The statistic had a gold value of 26.67 per point.
Sources of CDR:
- Basic items providing unnamed CDR
- Named CDR items including:
- Archangel's Staff
- Hextech GLP-800
- Lost Chapter
- Luden's Echo
- Seraph's Embrace
- Ingenious Hunter
- Ultimate Hunter
- Transcendence
- Cosmic Insight
- CDR rune shard
Neutral Buffs:
- Cloudbringer's Grace
- Crest of Insight
Special CDR Types:
Ultimate Ability CDR:
- Ultimate Hunter and Cloudbringer's Grace stacked additively
- Regular CDR stacked multiplicatively with ultimate-specific CDR
Item CDR:
- Cosmic Insight and Ingenious Hunter stacked additively
- Multiple copies of active items shared global cooldowns
Summoner Spell CDR:
- Available through Cosmic Insight
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Howling Abyss aura
Maximum CDR Strategy: To reach 45% CDR efficiently:
- Take Cosmic Insight and Transcendence (15% at level 10)
- Purchase Ionian Boots of Lucidity (10%)
- Buy one 20% CDR item (options ranging from 2700-3773 gold)
At level 1, the maximum achievable CDR with 500 gold was 15%, obtained through:
- Cosmic Insight (5%)
- Crest of Insight from Blue Sentinel (10%)
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