![Comprehensive Udyr Jungle Guide: Champion Abilities, Runes & Builds [Patch 15.4.1]](/api/files/image/cm7oaxsm40m779zbvanoxoi1v/thumbnail.jpg)
Comprehensive Udyr Jungle Guide: Champion Abilities, Runes & Builds [Patch 15.4.1]
The following is a comprehensive guide to Udyr, a versatile jungle champion in League of Legends.
Champion Overview Udyr is a highly mobile melee champion who switches between four different animal stances, each providing unique abilities and advantages. His versatile kit makes him an effective jungler with strong ganking potential and objective control.
Core Abilities
- Tiger Stance (Q): High single-target damage and attack speed
- Turtle Stance (W): Provides shields and sustain
- Bear Stance (E): Grants movement speed and stun capability
- Phoenix Stance (R): Deals AoE damage and wave clear
Optimal Skill Order
- Start with Q for strong early clear
- Take R at level 2 for AoE damage
- W at level 3 for sustain
- E at level 4 for ganking potential
Skill Priority: R > W > E > Q Note: Udyr can level his ultimate (R) from level 1, unlike most champions.
Build Path Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Rod of Ages
- Sunfire Aegis
- Spirit Visage
Situational Items:
- Dead Man's Plate (vs AD)
- Force of Nature (vs AP)
- Thornmail (vs heavy healing)
Playstyle Strategy Early Game:
- Focus on efficient clearing
- Look for ganking opportunities after level 4
- Secure early objectives with strong single-target damage
Mid Game:
- Transition into a tanky frontline
- Prioritize objective control
- Split push when necessary
Late Game:
- Focus on peeling for carries
- Engage in team fights with Bear stance
- Create map pressure through side lanes
The build emphasizes AP bruiser elements early game before transitioning into a full tank build for late-game teamfights. Adapt your stance usage based on the situation: Phoenix for farming, Bear for ganking, Turtle for sustain, and Tiger for single-target damage.
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