Comprehensive LeBlanc Guide - Mid Lane Assassin Mastery
As a masterful deceiver and leader of the Black Rose, LeBlanc excels as a mid-lane assassin who specializes in creating illusions and striking unexpectedly. Her success relies heavily on balancing aggression with calculated patience.
Passive - Mirror Image When health drops below 40%, LeBlanc becomes invisible for 1 second and creates a controllable mirror image (lasting 8 seconds). Control the clone by holding Alt and clicking.
Core Abilities
- Q (Seal of Malice): Marks targets for additional damage when hit by other abilities. Killing targets refunds mana and reduces cooldown.
- W (Distortion): Primary ability for mobility and waveclear. Dash to location dealing AoE damage, leaving a return point active for 4 seconds.
- E (Aetheric Chains): Skillshot that tethers enemies, slowing them for 1.5 seconds. Root and additional damage applied if target remains in range.
- R (Encore): Creates enhanced version of previously cast ability.
Skill Priority W > Q > E > R
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Doran's Ring
- Health Potions
Core Items:
- Luden's Tempest
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Void Staff
Situational Items:
- Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
- Banshee's Veil (vs AP threats)
- Shadowflame (vs squishies)
Runes Primary (Domination):
- Electrocute
- Sudden Impact
- Eyeball Collection
- Ultimate Hunter
Secondary (Sorcery):
- Transcendence
- Gathering Storm
Key Strategy Focus on using W strategically for both aggression and safety. Practice waveclear mechanics in custom games to maximize farming efficiency while maintaining kill pressure. Use your ultimate tactically to amplify your damage combinations rather than always defaulting to R-W.
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