Complete Malphite Champion Guide - League of Legends Top Lane Tank (Patch 15.4.1)
Malphite is a straightforward tank champion who excels in the top lane, particularly effective against AD-heavy team compositions. His kit scales well with armor, making him a natural counter to physical damage dealers while struggling against AP threats.
Core Abilities Priority
- Against Ranged Champions: Max Q first
- Against Melee Auto-attackers: Max E first
- Against Melee Casters: Max W first
Optimal Skill Orders The skill order varies based on matchup:
- vs. Ranged (Teemo, Quinn, Gnar): Q > E > W
- vs. Auto-attackers (Irelia, Jax): E > W > Q
- vs. Ability-based (Riven, Renekton): W > E > Q
R should always be leveled at 6, 11, and 16.
Item Build Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions (vs heavy AD)
Core Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Plated Steelcaps
- Thornmail
- Frozen Heart
Situational Items:
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit champions)
- Spirit Visage (vs AP threats)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Warmog's Armor (for sustain)
- Excellent against AD compositions
- Simple to learn and execute
- Strong engage potential
- Great scaling with armor
- Reliable lane phase
- Vulnerable to AP damage
- Limited mobility without ultimate
- Mana-dependent early game
- Predictable playstyle
Key Tips
- Build armor to maximize ability scaling
- Use Q for poke and slow in lane
- Save ultimate for key teamfight engages
- Counter auto-attack heavy champions with E
- Consider matchup when choosing skill order
Remember to adapt your build and playstyle based on the enemy team composition and your lane opponent.
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