Complete Guide: Mastering Bel'Veth Jungle in Season 15
Bel'Veth excels as an aggressive, hyper-mobile jungler with strong snowball potential. Her unique kit combines endless scaling with powerful skirmishing abilities, making her particularly effective in Solo Queue.
Passive - Death in Violet
- Next 2 auto attacks after ability use gain attack speed
- Gain permanent attack speed from large monsters (1 stack) and champions (2 stacks)
- No attack speed cap, but deals 25% less damage
- Does not gain attack speed from leveling
Core Abilities:
Q - Void Rush (Max First)
- Dash in 4 directions, dealing physical damage
- 40% bonus damage to monsters
- Cooldown reduces with attack speed
- Key for engagement, escape, and dodging
E - Imperial Maelstrom (Max Second)
- 1.5-second storm of strikes
- 70% damage reduction and increased lifesteal
- Strikes lowest-health target
- 50% bonus monster damage
- Cancellable with reactivation
W - This Side and That Side (Max Last)
- Tail strike dealing magic damage
- 0.75s knockup and 50% slow
- Reduces Q cooldown when hitting champions
R - Endless Banquet
- Passive: True damage on every second attack
- Active: Consume Void Coral for temporary transformation
- Grants bonus health, movement speed, attack range, and attack speed
- Extended duration from Baron/Herald kills
Optimal Build Path: Starting Items: Emberknife + Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Kraken Slayer
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Guardian Angel (vs burst)
- Wit's End (vs magic damage)
- Bloodthirster (for sustain)
- Black Cleaver (vs tanks)
Combat Strategy:
- Engage with Q
- Land W for CC
- Weave 2 auto attacks between abilities
- Use E strategically for damage reduction or execution
- Save at least one Q charge for escape
Early Game Focus:
- Efficient jungle clearing
- Securing objectives for Void Coral
- Looking for gank opportunities when lanes are pushed
Mid-Late Game:
- Split push pressure with transformed minions
- Objective control
- Team fight clean-up with ultimate resets
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