Complete Guide: Blitzcrank Support - Master the Hook King
With a powerful hook, Blitzcrank is one of League's most iconic support champions. Success with Blitzcrank hinges primarily on skillful hook usage and timing.
Key Ability Tips
Q (Rocket Grab):
- 20-second cooldown, costs 100 mana
- Use sparingly and strategically due to high mana cost
- Having hook available creates pressure even without using it
- Focus on high-impact hooks rather than constant attempts
Skill Order Priority
- Q (Rocket Grab) - Main engage tool
- W (Overdrive) - Mobility for positioning
- E (Power Fist) - Lower priority, mainly cooldown reduction
Strategic Tips
- Observe enemy dodge patterns
- Use mind games by faking hooks
- E is an auto-attack reset
- Use R (Static Field) to break enemy shields
- Hook → E combo prevents escape via Flash
Best Matchups
- Immobile enchanters
- Squishy champions
- Teams with multiple shields (utilize R)
Poor Matchups
- Champions with dashes (Ezreal)
- High mobility supports
- Tanks that want to be pulled (Alistar)
Items Starting:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- Health Potions
Core Build:
- Winter's Approach
- Evenshroud
- Dead Man's Plate
- Thornmail (vs healing)
- Force of Nature (vs magic damage)
- Knight's Vow (protect carry)
Key Strategy Don't spam hooks - the threat of a hook creates more pressure than missing multiple attempts. Focus on positioning and timing rather than quantity of hooks landed.
Remember to use W for positioning, save E for after hook lands, and time R to break enemy shields for maximum impact.
[Note: Article continues with gameplay specifics but your original content ends here]
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