Complete Guide: All Player Cartridge Locations in MiSide

Complete Guide: All Player Cartridge Locations in MiSide

By Marcus Chen

December 25, 2024 at 01:24 AM

Finding all 10 Player Cartridges in MiSide unlocks valuable story content and the "Caught Them All" achievement. Here's where to find each cartridge in chronological order.

Player Three Cartridge Located in The Basement's green screen room. Check the wooden shelving unit next to the green locker, near the red saw.

Player Two Cartridge Found in the Beyond the World chapter's endless hallway. Turn left immediately after entering through the wall hole. Look for a small white box on the ground.

Player Four Cartridge In The Loop corridor (P.T.-style area), reach loop 14 after getting the baseball bat. The cartridge is on the small table with a vase, opposite the alarm clock.

Player Five Cartridge After helping Mini Mita get the giant key, enter the living room. Check the top shelf of the bookcase left of the bedroom door.

Player Seven Cartridge During "Reading Books, Destroying Glitches," visit the bathroom beyond the bedroom. Look for the cartridge on the second shelf of the wooden unit above the washing machine, behind white towels.

Player Nine Cartridge In the Old Version, before starting Creepy Mita's teddy bear game, check the computer desk area. The cartridge sits on a purple checkered box near the floating white shelving unit.

Player Eight Cartridge At The Core's entrance, turn left immediately. Find the cartridge on a blue cable reeler atop an office chair.

Player Ten Cartridge In The Real World? chapter's V1.9 version, enter the bedroom. The cartridge is on the right bedside cabinet near an alarm clock and vase.

Player Six Cartridge During the Reboot chapter, after the Player ID objective appears, go to the Basement. Find the cartridge on the workshop table scanner in front of the computer setup.

Player One Cartridge Automatically unlocked by completing the game's bad ending. View all Character Profiles in the main menu's Characters tab.

Pro Tip: Complete a full playthrough first, then use chapters as checkpoints to collect missed cartridges.

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