Camille: The Ultimate Top Lane Fighter Guide
Camille is a highly mobile fighter excelling in top lane duels and assassinations. Her kit revolves around precision strikes and tactical positioning, making her one of the strongest 1v1 champions in League of Legends.
Abilities Priority:
- Q > E > W (Max order)
- Level 1 skill choice:
- Q: Against weak melee champions
- E: Against ranged champions with weak early game
- W: Default choice for sustain and poke
Key Strengths:
- Exceptional mobility with E (Hookshot)
- Strong single-target damage with Q (Precision Protocol)
- Reliable crowd control and isolation with R (Hextech Ultimatum)
- Excellent split-pushing potential
- Strong scaling into late game
Core Weaknesses:
- Limited AOE damage
- Vulnerable to early ganks
- Requires mechanical precision
- Team fight contribution depends on positioning
Core Item Build:
- Starting: Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Core: Divine Sunderer > Ravenous Hydra > Death's Dance
- Situational: Guardian Angel, Maw of Malmortius, Sterak's Gage
Lane Strategy:
Early Game
- Focus on safe farming with W
- Look for short trades using Q
- Save E for escape or guaranteed engages
Mid Game
- Split push side lanes
- Use mobility for map pressure
- Set up picks with E-R combo
Late Game
- Focus on side lane pressure
- Target priority carries in team fights
- Use ultimate to isolate key targets
Pro Tips:
- Use Q2's true damage timing for optimal trades
- Practice wall angles for E mechanics
- Time W with enemy movement patterns
- Save ultimate for high-priority targets
- Coordinate ganks with jungle using E mobility
Build path should adapt to match-ups, but prioritize AD and CDR for consistent damage output. Consider defensive items when behind or against heavy burst compositions.
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