Braum Support Guide - Season 14 Tank Champion Guide
Based on Braum's personality and playstyle, he excels as a protective tank support who specializes in shielding allies and countering melee supports. However, he struggles against ranged matchups.
Abilities Priority:
- Start with Q > E > W
- Max Order: R > E > Q > W
- Early Game: First 3 points in Q for lane presence
- Then max E for maximum tankiness
- Flexible skill distribution based on matchup
Core Build Path:
- Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
- Essential Items:
- Evenshroud
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Winter's Approach
- Knight's Vow
- Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD/healing)
- Force of Nature (vs magic damage)
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit carries)
- Zeke's Convergence (for more utility)

Man wearing glasses
Key Runes:
- Primary: Aftershock, Font of Life, Conditioning, Unflinching
- Secondary: Perfect Timing, Cosmic Insight
Playstyle Tips:
- Position between your ADC and threats
- Use passive strategically in trades
- Time E (Unbreakable) to block key abilities
- Save Q for engage or peel opportunities
- Coordinate ultimate with team fights
- Focus on protecting carries in late game
Best used as a counter-pick against melee supports and engage compositions, where his defensive capabilities can truly shine. His effectiveness scales well with team coordination and communication.
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