Braum Support Counter Picks: Best and Worst Matchups Guide
During laning, maintain a minion buffer between you and Braum to prevent his Q and potential stuns. Avoid positioning near enemy minions to prevent his W engage, and bait out his Unbreakable (E) before committing to trades.
Strong Counters to Braum:
- Taric
- Vel'Koz
- Senna
- Sona
- Brand
Key Strategies:
- Harass early when he attempts to last hit
- Keep distance from allies in teamfights to avoid multi-target ultimate
- Pressure early game before he becomes too tanky
- Trade during his E cooldown
- Look for small skirmishes instead of 5v5 teamfights
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 6 dramatically increases kill threat
- Strongest during coordinated teamfights
- Gets increasingly difficult to deal with as game progresses
Counter Tips:
- Poke him down early before he builds tankiness
- Avoid clustered positioning in teamfights
- Create advantages before late game
- Look for picks rather than full engages
- Trade while his defensive abilities are on cooldown
Braum matchups
Remember, Braum excels in sustained teamfights but struggles against consistent poke damage and disengage compositions. Focus on maintaining proper spacing and coordinating with your team to exploit his cooldown windows.
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