Best Veigar Support Counters & How to Play Against Him
Veigar Support Counter Guide
Top Counter Picks
- Zyra (Strong poke and zone control)
- Galio (Tank with magic resist and CC)
- Zoe (Long-range pressure and mobility)
- Vel'Koz (Outranges Veigar's abilities)
- Sona (Sustain and poke potential)
Early Game Strategy
- Exploit Veigar's E (Event Horizon) cooldown
- Stay behind minions to avoid Q poke
- Ward bottom lane to prevent gank setups
- Play cautiously when Flash is down
- Punish his weak early game presence
How to Counter Veigar
- Bait out Event Horizon before engaging
- Position carefully in teamfights to avoid cage
- Lock him down with CC when possible
- Build magic resistance items early
- End game quickly before he scales
- Stay spread out to avoid multi-target stuns
Power Spike Awareness
- Level 6 (Dark Matter + Primordial Burst combo)
- Mid-game (After completing first item)
- Late game (Infinite AP scaling from Q)
Teamfight Tips
- Focus Veigar early in fights
- Avoid clumping together
- Keep track of his ultimate cooldown
- Stay at maximum range when possible
- Use QSS or Cleanse for cage escapes
Item Counters
- Mercury's Treads
- Banshee's Veil
- Edge of Night
- Quicksilver Sash
- Verdant Barrier
Core Weaknesses
- Immobile without Flash
- Predictable skill shots
- Long early-game cooldowns
- Vulnerable to all-ins
- Weak against sustained damage
Remember to coordinate with your jungler to punish Veigar's immobility and capitalize on his weak early game presence before he can scale into late game.
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