Best Tristana Bot Lane Builds for Patch 15.3
Tristana Bot Build Guide for Patch 15.3
Most Popular Build (51.5% WR, 10,853 matches)
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Barrier
- Core Items: The Collector > Berserker's Greaves > Navori Flickerblade > Infinity Edge > Lord Dominik's Regards > Bloodthirster
- Runes: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Taste of Blood, Treasure Hunter
- Skill Order: E > Q > W
Key Tips:
- Maximize E damage by auto-attacking frequently
- Use W aggressively only when enemy CC is on cooldown
- Save R for self-peel against diving enemies
Strong Against (Win Rate):
- Kalista (54.8%)
- Jhin (53.5%)
- Hwei (53.4%)
- Samira (53.3%)
- Kai'Sa (52.8%)
Weak Against (Win Rate):
- Yasuo (43.5%)
- Corki (45.3%)
- Kog'Maw (47.6%)
- Nilah (47.6%)
- Sivir (47.9%)
Best Support Synergies:
- Yuumi (55.8%)
- Janna (53.9%)
- Sona (53.6%)
- Braum (53.2%)
- Lulu (52.8%)
Alternative Build Options:
High Win Rate Build (55.0% WR, 8,544 matches)
- Core: Yun Tal Wildarrows > Berserker's Greaves > Infinity Edge
- Same runes and summoners as popular build
Off-Meta Build (57.7% WR, 1,161 matches)
- Runes: Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Grisly Mementos, Treasure Hunter
- Secondary: Legend: Bloodline, Triumph
- Same core items as popular build
Remember to adjust your build based on team composition and match-up specifics for optimal performance.
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