Best Support Senna Counter Picks & Strategy Guide
The ultimate guide to counter Senna effectively in League of Legends, focusing on key strategies and matchups.

Senna from League of Legends
Laning Phase Strategy
- Watch for aggressive level 1 plays aimed at stack gathering
- Stay behind minions to avoid her Q poke
- Minimize exposure while last hitting if playing melee
- Coordinate with jungler for early ganks before she gets mobile
- Be prepared for level 6 global pressure from her ultimate
Key Counterpicks:
- Zoe (Strong poke and burst potential)
- Shaco (Can punish Senna's immobility)
- Neeko (Strong crowd control and burst)
- Nami (Good sustain and disengage)
- Blitzcrank (Can catch her out of position)
Effective Counter Strategies:
- Engage quickly when spotting her, before she can use her E to escape
- Focus on ending games early before her late-game scaling
- Punish her when she's warding alone mid-game
- Coordinate team fights when she's down
- Use hard engage compositions to counter her poke strategy
Power Spike Windows:
Early Game (Level 1-5):
- Expected aggressive play for stacks
- Vulnerable to all-ins
Mid Game (Level 6-11):
- Increased map presence with ultimate
- Team should be warned about cross-map ultimate potential
Late Game:
- Strongest phase due to passive stacks
- Focus on ending before she reaches full potential
- Coordinate burst damage to eliminate her quickly
By understanding these counter strategies and timing your engages properly, you can effectively shut down Senna before she becomes a late-game threat.
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