Best Support Counters Against Maokai
Beating Maokai Support: Essential Counter Guide
Laning Phase
Maokai is particularly dangerous in bushes and at level 2. Here's how to counter him effectively:
- Stand on the top side of the lane to avoid his E (Sapling) bush traps
- Match or beat him to level 2 to prevent his strong all-in potential
- Utilize your range advantage but stay outside his W (Root) range
- Be cautious at level 1 until you confirm which ability he started
Mid-Game Strategy
To minimize Maokai's impact during the mid-game:
- Avoid jungle fights where his ultimate is most effective
- Stay grouped when sieging to prevent W isolation picks
- Ward side bushes to spot potential flanks
- Watch for side-angle ultimates in team fights
Strong Counter Picks:
- Taric
- Swain
- Leona
- Braum
- Renata Glasc
Weak Matchups:
- Sona
- Shaco
- Galio
- Alistar
- Fiddlesticks
Power Spike Windows
Be especially careful during these moments:
- Level 2: His W-Q combo becomes available
- Level 3: Full combo potential with E bush control
- Team fights: His ultimate can lock down entire teams
Key Counter Tactics:
- Spread out during team fights to minimize ultimate impact
- Control vision around objectives to prevent flanks
- Stay away from bushes where saplings are placed
- Engage when his W is on cooldown
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