Best Pyke Combo Guide: Pro Tips & Essential Tricks
E stun into R is your bread-and-butter combo. Land your stun first, then execute with R to maximize damage and ensure the kill.
E-W-Q Combo: Use E to engage, W for movement speed, then tap Q quickly. Flash during Q animation extends both Q and stun range. Follow with R when E lands.
Multi-Target Stun Combo:
- E through first two targets
- R behind fourth target
- Flash mid-air to hit third target with E stun
Long-Range Engage:
- Hold Q
- Flash + release Q
- Instant E
- R after stun connects
Advanced Stun Combo:
- E towards target
- R at max distance before stun
- Flash to opposite side to guarantee stun
Execute Combo:
- E towards target
- Flash behind before stun
- Tap Q
- R when in execute range
Safe All-in:
- Hold Q
- E away on release
- R after stun
- W to safety
Quick Burst:
- Hold Q
- R to predicted location
- E-W escape
Speed Burst Combo:
- E-W for movement
- Position behind target
- AA > Q > AA
- R when in execute range
Basic Combos:
- Slow combo: Q tap > AA > E > AA
- Standard engage: Hold Q > E > AA
- Hunt combo: W > E through target > Q > AA
Related Champions:
- Severe counters
- Hard matchups
- Average matchups
- Hard counters
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