Best Counter Picks for Xin Zhao in Jungle - LoL Season 14
Xin Zhao Counter Guide
Xin Zhao excels in early-game duels and ganking, making him a formidable jungle opponent. Here's how to effectively counter him:
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Falls off late game
- Susceptible when Ultimate is on cooldown
- Weak against grouped enemies
Early Game Counterplay:
- Avoid 1v1 fights due to his strong early dueling potential
- Place deep wards at jungle entrances to track movements
- Keep Dragon warded to prevent sneaky objective takes
- Coordinate with team to collapse on his ganks
Mid-Game Strategy:
- Focus him with CC when he engages
- Don't walk alone in unwarded areas
- Force teamfights when his Ultimate is down
- Be extra cautious after he completes Trinity Force
Late Game Approach:
- Group with team to neutralize his pick potential
- Build defensive items to reduce his impact
- Take advantage of his weaker scaling
- Control vision to prevent flanks
Best Counters:
- Gwen
- Evelynn
- Volibear
- Warwick
- Rammus
Tough Matchups for Xin:
- Master Yi
- Nocturne
- Elise
- Bel'Veth
- Ivern
Remember that proper vision control and team coordination are key to shutting down Xin Zhao's early game pressure and transitioning into a stronger late game.
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