Ashe: Complete Champion Guide - Frost Archer Tips, Builds, and Strategy - League of Legends 15.4.1
Ashe is a long-range Marksman champion excelling in the botlane role with unique frost-based abilities and utility.
Core Abilities Overview
Passive - Frost Shot
- Basic attacks and abilities apply Frost, slowing enemies by 20-30% for 2 seconds
- Critical strikes double slow strength instead of dealing bonus damage
- Subsequent attacks deal bonus physical damage to frosted targets
Q - Ranger's Focus
- Grants attack speed and converts attacks into 5 mini-arrows
- Requires 4 Focus stacks from basic attacks to activate
- Resets auto-attack timer when activated
- Deals increased damage per level
W - Volley
- Fires multiple arrows in a cone
- Applies critical slow to champions
- Each target can only be damaged once per volley
E - Hawk Shot
- Reveals path for 2 seconds and target area for 5 seconds
- Stores up to 2 charges
- 90-second recharge time until level 14
R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
- Fires global ice arrow that stuns champions for 1-3.5 seconds based on distance
- Deals magic damage to primary target
- Nearby enemies take half damage and are slowed
- Hitbox is located at the beginning of the arrow's final third
Optimal Skill Order
- W - Volley
- Q - Ranger's Focus
- E - Hawk Shot
- R - Take at levels 6/11/16
Early Game Strategy
- Start with W for lane pressure and minion control
- Consider Q start with aggressive supports (Braum, Milio)
- Use E at level 2 to track enemy jungler
- Focus on farming while maintaining lane pressure with W
Core Build Path
- Core stats: AD, Attack Speed, Critical Strike
- Late game needs: Armor Penetration, Lifesteal
- Requires minimum 4 items for full potential
[Rest of article content appears to be missing from the original]
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