Ahri Champion Guide: Best Mid Lane Assassin for Season 14
Ahri is a versatile mid lane assassin combining mobility, wave clear, crowd control, and self-healing abilities. Her reset mechanic through her ultimate makes her both beginner-friendly and mechanically rewarding for experienced players.
Man wearing glasses
Core Strengths:
- Excellent wave clear and mobility
- Strong escape potential with ultimate and W
- Reliable crowd control
- Self-healing through passive
- Versatile playstyle options
Ability Overview:
Passive - Essence Thief
- Heals after killing 9 minions/monsters
- Enhanced healing from champion takedowns
- Enables sustained lane presence
W - Fox Fire (First Level)
- Grants movement speed boost
- Releases three seeking foxfires
- Prioritizes E-marked champions
- Deals double damage to low-health minions
- Max second
Q - Orb of Deception (Level 2)
- Primary wave clear ability
- Deals magic damage outward, true damage returning
- Most effective at maximum range
- Max first
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Doran's Ring
- Health Potions
Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Cosmic Drive
- Void Staff
Alternative Options:
- Shadow Flame
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Playstyle Tips:
- Use W for early trades and last-hitting
- Maximize Q damage by hitting enemies at max range
- Utilize passive healing to sustain in lane
- Combine abilities for burst damage
- Look for roaming opportunities after pushing waves
- Position safely and use ultimate defensively when needed
- Capitalize on pick potential with charm
Ahri excels as a flexible mid laner, capable of adapting to various team compositions and playstyles while maintaining consistent effectiveness throughout all stages of the game.