After 10 years, this LoL jungle champion finally conquered pro play

Red and blue jungle buff monsters

Man with headphones in gaming setup
Vi, a League of Legends champion released in 2012, has emerged as a dominant force in professional play after nearly a decade of obscurity. This unprecedented rise demonstrates how champions can suddenly break into the meta without major reworks or buffs.

Vi, champion from League of Legends
Key factors in Vi's competitive emergence:
- Patch 12.10's durability update made tanks and divers stronger while nerfing assassins
- Her kit's versatility allows both tanky and damage-heavy builds
- Strong counter to mobile champions like Ahri and Zeri
- 72% presence rate during Worlds 2022
- Popularity boost from Netflix's Arcane series (2021)
Vi maintains over 50% presence in season 15 professional matches, particularly in Chinese and Korean leagues. Her success despite minimal changes to her kit suggests there may be other "hidden picks" waiting to be discovered in League's competitive scene.
[Remaining images maintained as in original, but removed for conciseness as they don't add essential information to the core topic]
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