Advanced Champion Guide: Rek'Sai - The Ultimate Void Jungler Tutorial
Rek'Sai, known as the Void Burrower, excels as an early-game jungle assassin with unique map mobility and vision capabilities.
Core Abilities Priority
- Q > E > W > R
- Start with Q (Queen's Wrath/Prey Seeker)
- Max Q first for main damage source
- E second for tunnel mobility and true damage
- W last, only needed for knockup and sustain
Jungle Clearing Combo
- Approach camp with Q
- Auto-attack for knockup (W passive)
- Q reset while target airborne
- Build fury through auto-attacks
- Use E when fury bar is full Standard combo: W-Q-AA(Knockup)-AA-Q-AA-AA-AA-E
Champion Combat Combo
- Tunnel toward enemy (W+E)
- Q for vision if needed
- Blue Smite to close gap
- Auto-attack for knockup
- Q reset
- Build fury with auto-attacks
- Use empowered E
- R to execute if needed Full combo: W-E-Q-Bluesmite-Prowler's-AA(Knockup)-AA-Q-AA-AA-AA-E-R
Key Tips
- Use passive burrowed vision to track enemies
- Heal while moving between camps using fury
- R can dodge abilities and CC
- Create unexpected gank paths with tunnels
- Use tunnels to access dragon pit undetected
Core Build Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Prowler's Claw
- Death's Dance
- Black Cleaver
- Guardian Angel
Build Focus:
- Prioritize AD and HP
- Add ability haste for mobility
- Include defensive items for teamfight survival
Rek'Sai excels at early game pressure and single-target elimination. Her unique burrowing ability allows for creative gank paths and vision control, while her true damage and execute ultimate make her a threat to carries throughout the game.
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